Whether you are already a qualified complementary therapist and wish to add a new skill to your business, or you are interested in learning Health Kinesiology™ as your first complementary skill, Health Kinesiology™ can be what you are looking for. Health Kinesiology™ qualification offers you a flexible source of income as well as a high level of job satisfaction and the skills to help yourself and those nearest to you.
Training for a Career in Health Kinesiology™
Whether you are already a qualified complementary therapist and wish to add a new skill to your business, or you are interested in learning Health Kinesiology™ as your first complementary skill, Health Kinesiology™ can be what you are looking for. Health Kinesiology™ qualification offers you a flexible source of income as well as a high level of job satisfaction and the skills to help yourself and those nearest to you. Many of our practitioners find it convenient to run their practice from home, particularly if they choose to work part-time. In addition students generally find that the practice sessions during the courses improve their own well-being and that of their families, making the study programme an insightful and rewarding experience. We very much welcome new trainees to the profession. If you enjoy working with people and are interested in natural well-being, training to become a Health Kinesiologist could open the door to a really worthwhile future for you.
The Health Kinesiology™ training programme leads to a professional qualification for which you will be required to complete case studies and home study as part of your training. There is also an option to complete the courses for your own interest only with just enough home study to keep up with others going forward. Taking this option would not allow you to call yourself a Health Kinesiologist and/or charge for your sessions.
Health Kinesiology™ training attracts a wide variety of students
- Clients of existing Health Kinesiology™ practitioners
- Practitioners of other complementary and alternative therapies
- Practitioners of other schools of Kinesiology
- People with a medical background
- Complementary therapists needing CPD hours
In addition people new to complementary therapies, who are looking for something rewarding to add to their life, who have an interest in natural well-being and who perhaps wish to stimulate their brain cells with further studies. Their reasons for learning Health Kinesiology™ vary. Some wish to become a professional Health Kinesiology™ Practitioners while others wish to improve ones own well-being and to be able to help family and friends.
Some people begin studying simply with the aim of working on family and friends, but find themselves so drawn to the work that they continue on to become fully qualified Health Kinesiology™ practitioners. They may choose to leave their previous occupation, or may simply work at Health Kinesiology™ on a part-time basis. The Learning programme is flexible to suit adult learners. One can choose to study at one’s own pace. Some students find that their interests are satisfied after only a few of the classes, and there is no compulsion to complete the whole training programme.
Training Programme
The Health Kinesiology™ study programme is one of the most respected professional Kinesiology training programmes. Health Kinesiology™ 1 to 5 are accredited by the Federation of Holistic Therapists. The five study classes lead to a qualification as a Registered Health Kinesiology™ Practitioner and provide all the essential skills needed by a Health Kinesiology™ Practitioner:
- Techniques of accurate muscle testing
- Mastery of clear and logical thinking
- Development of precise questioning techniques
- Organisation of client sessions
- Understanding and competence in a comprehensive and powerful range of techniques for achieving overall wellbeing
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Modular training
Each of the five classes are mostly taught in 4 days (or in 30 hours of tutor directed learning), and must be taken in sequence. A maximum of 1/4 (7.5hrs) of the 30 hrs can be of live webinar learning with the rest having to be face-to-face learning in order to meet the UK Kinesiology training requirements for professional qualifications (including meeting professional insurance standards). This applies to all training schools of Kinesiology in the UK.
A comprehensive printed manual is provided for each class. All classes involve a balanced combination of systematic instruction, demonstration and hands-on practice in an informal, relaxed and supportive environment. Health Kinesiology™ studies are structured for adult learning, this means that the onus of learning the theory and background knowledge is with the students, who do this outside of the course hours as a part of their home study. The classroom hours are mostly spent learning the practical aspect of the therapy.
Between each class, the student will be required to do 15 hours of home study and 15 hours of case study practice. Following this, the tutor will assess their theoretical and practical learning and their case studies before they proceed to the next class. Our modular system enables students to proceed at their own pace through the classes and to study with different teachers if they wish. If necessary, classes can be repeated at a reduced cost until the student feels totally confident to proceed to the next class.
Our internal verifier ensures that the teaching and assessment meets the required standards. Final assessment is made during one additional day, approximately 3 months after Health Kinesiology™ 5 course. At this point they shall remain as student practitioners. In order to move on to an Associate practitioner status, they will also need to pass an assessment for the Kinesiology Federation’s Foundation Course of Touch For Health (4 days) or the Integrated Course for Health Kinesiologists (3 days), plus an assessment, that is taught in line with the Kinesiology Federation syllabus. This last course is not a Health Kinesiology™ training requirement but a completion requirement for all schools of Kinesiology in the UK.
There is no obligation to continue with studies beyond this point should you choose not to, however, we do recommend that our students continue to complete the Kinesiology National Occupational Standards modules, which complement your Health Kinesiology™ knowledge. These courses are a requirement for all types of complementary therapists in the UK and a requirement for a full professional Health Kinesiologist qualification:
- Anatomy and Physiology – 45 hrs coursework and 45 hrs home study
- Nutrition – 45 hrs coursework and 45 hrs home study
- Interpersonal skills – 30 hrs classroom hours and 30 hrs home study
- Practice management – 15 hrs of coursework and 15 hrs home study
Qualified Health Kinesiology™ Practitioners are required to do continuing professional development to ensure that their skills are up-to date. Health Kinesiology™ classes 6 – 10 are available along with other related topic of Health Kinesiology™ study to fulfill these criteria amongst other options.
Professionally practising Health Kinesiologists are expected to provide:
- Professional appearance
- A professional setting for the sessions with a therapy couch
- Client privacy
- Adequate number of test kits and other tools required for successful sessions
- Valid insurance
- Valid professional association membership
Practitioners are encouraged to belong to a professional association such as the Federation of Holistic Therapies (FHT) or Kinesiology Federation (KF).
Assessed Work Homework
Students who wish to be assessed carry out the following assessed homework:
- Minimum of 15 hours of practice work on at least 3 people.
- Take full case histories of new clients.
- Notating practice sessions using correct HK notation.
- Provide feedback forms for their clients to send direct to the teacher.
- Write their own feedback forms assessing their work.
- Minimum of 15 hours of studying the manuals and reading recommended books.
- Learning journal briefly summarising learned topics, your experiences, difficulties and successes.
- Describe work done on self.
- Create and maintain a personal working manual.
Final Assessment
Following HK5 course, students spend at least 30 hours preparing for their final assessment by:
- Continuing to keep their learning journal.
- Ensuring their resource manual contains everything they need.
- Revising all previous classes .
- Students are required to submit 10 hours of case study work after HK5.
Practical Assessment
Throughout the classes the teacher will assess students on various skills and knowledge. They need to have been passed on all these before they may take the final assessment.
One Day Assessment
During an assessment day, approximately twelve weeks after Health Kinesiology™ 5, you will be assessed by your tutor, occasionally in conjunction with the internal verifier. The day consists of a practical assessment for which you will partner another student and conduct a full client session. You may be asked any questions across the course range at the discretion of the assessing tutor. You must also have your portfolio of work (learning journal, case studies, your own working manual available to view.